How to change the consequence of different functions?

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How to change the consequence of different functions?

In case there are different functions are generated like SFG, SHG etc. What is the right way of changing the consequence of those function?
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Re: How to change the consequence of different functions?

I am not sure if I understand your question right.
Chi3D includes a variety of different methods which depend on the input parameters and on the related properties which should be defined during the declaration of a new obj.


-a new object of chi3D includs a standard property set which is basically an example for a SHG. This property set you always get if you generate a new obj out of the main class.

SHGstandardexample = chi3D();

Now you use the run method of the new object to simulate the second harmonic process with the standard example parameters.


The result will be a different if you ether change one or more of the parameters (e.g. theta) in the object SHGstandardexample:

Or you can clone the object SHGstandardexample to a new object, e.g. newSHG, with changed properties:
This will give you also a different result of course.

You can also change one or more properties directly during the initialization of a new object:

I hope this could help
Tino Lang